100 Autism Research Paper Topics

autism research paper topics

Careful selection of autism research paper topics is very important. That’s because there are many autism topics that students can research and write about. The topic that a learner chooses dictates the direction that their research and writing process will take. As such, students should select their topic ideas based on their academic goals. Ideally, what a learner opts to write about should help them accomplish their study goals.

Autism can be defined as a spectral disorder that makes a child seem to have a world of their own. Many parents misinterpret this disorder and assume that the child does not notice them. However, this is usually not the case. Parents are the first people to notice this disorder. With more children being diagnosed with this disorder, educators are asking learners to write about autism essay topics.

If you’ve been asked to write about this subject, take your time to research this disorder. You can even read the autobiographies of autistic people. If possible, meet and interact with autistic people before you start writing. This will give you an idea of what this condition is all about. Our psychology topics may also come in handy. In most cases, you will be required to focus your paper or essay on the creation of more autism awareness. This article highlights some of the topics in autism that you can consider for your paper or essay.

Basic Autism Research Paper Topics

Autism is a broad research area. Researchers have delved into this field and came up with different findings. However, you can still pick a topic for your research in this field and come up with new information. Here are some of the most interesting research topics in autism that can form the basis of your academic paper or essay.

  1. Why some people autistic and others are not?
  2. Does being autistic have advantages?
  3. Why is being autistic disadvantageous?
  4. Some people have a good memory or recall skills, explain why
  5. Facts that people should know about autism
  6. Explain the chemical brain differences between autistic and non-autistic individuals
  7. Discuss some of major breakthroughs in autism research
  8. Why do people with autism have difficulty socializing with others?
  9. What can normal people learn from autistic people’s brains?
  10. What characteristics should a person with autism have?
  11. How should an autistic person be trained during care provision?
  12. What should caregivers understand about autism to do their job right?
  13. Explain the behavior of autistic individuals towards family members
  14. Provide an average autistic individual’s overview
  15. How can the social interactions of autistic people be improved?
  16. Explain what causes autism
  17. What educational programs do autistic people have?
  18. How to diagnose autism in the early stages
  19. Explain the role of music in an autistic person’s life
  20. Is there a treatment for reducing autistic people’s disadvantages?
  21. What are the employment limitations and opportunities for autistic people?
  22. Discuss the major stories about autism that have been shared in the media
  23. What is yet to be discovered about autism?
  24. Explain how healthcare workers can help autistic individuals go through their daily life
  25. Describe the top 5 autistic individuals that are best known in history

These are some of the most interesting autism topics for research paper or essay. However, you should research them extensively before you start writing. That’s because each of these topics requires you to include verifiable facts in your paper or essay.

Strong Autism Dissertation Topics

With so many children being diagnosed with autism, more learners are writing dissertations on this subject. And there are many autism research topics from which a learner can choose. Here are some of the best autism thesis topics to consider.

  1. Is there evidence to prove that environmental triggers are responsible for rising autism cases?
  2. Explain the relationship between stimming self-regulator for anxiety and autism
  3. Why is autism prevalence in western society greater?
  4. How is autism related to mental health?
  5. How can family doctors be supported to take care of autistic people?
  6. Discuss autism and childhood immunization
  7. Discuss some of the prominent individuals in history that were most likely autistic
  8. How can autistic people be supported at the workplace?
  9. How do autistic females differ from autistic males?
  10. Can autistic children adapt to mainstream education?
  11. What are the positives and negatives of special education for autistic children?
  12. Should autistic children attend special schools?
  13. Why do people consider autism a spectrum disorder?
  14. What diagnostic changes have raised the concern that Asperger’s Syndrome might no longer exist
  15. Does lifestyle play a role in autism?

Some of these topics on autism may seem complex to research and write about. However, you can find relevant and sufficient supporting evidence from different sources. You just need the time and resources required to write about any of these topics about autism.

Autism Parent Training Topics

Raising an autistic child is not easy. Parents and caregivers should learn about autism spectrum disorder and its effects on their children. They should also learn how this disorder affects the entire family. It’s for this reason that researchers focus on research topics in autism that educate parents and caregivers about taking care of autistic children. Here are some of the best autism social learning topics.

  1. How to manage the parenting challenges for people with autistic children
  2. How to enhance the communication skills of autistic children
  3. How to enhance the coping skills of autistic children
  4. How to address the negative behaviors of autistic children
  5. How to increase the play skills of autistic children
  6. How to diagnose autism early in children
  7. How to increase the independence of autistic children
  8. How to improve self-help in autistic children
  9. How does autism in one child affect the other family members?
  10. How to solve the daily problems of autistic children

Each of these topics is meant to produce a paper or essay that can help parents of autistic children cope with the disorder. The information can also help the parents make their children lead a better life despite their condition.

Paper Topics about Autism and Education

Since it’s a complex disorder that affects brain development, autism touches on education as well. Here are some of the good research paper topics on autism and education that you can write about.

  1. Why is autism worth researching?
  2. Discuss the causes of autism
  3. Discuss the development realms that are affected by autism
  4. What resources do autistic people have access to?
  5. Explain how autistic children learn
  6. Explain how autism affects the learning process
  7. Explain the struggles of autistic students
  8. Explain parent training autism
  9. Discuss the major types of autism
  10. How does learning differ between autistic and normal students?

These topics focus on the relationship between autism and learning or education. Just like the topics in the other categories, they require extensive research to write about too.

Autism Research Proposal Topics

A lot of information about autism is being discussed by researchers across the world. This makes it hard for some learners to pick proposal topics for their autism papers. Here are some of the topics to consider if struggling to pick your proposal topic.

  1. What is autism therapy?
  2. Is autism therapy helpful?
  3. How should caregivers provide care to autistic persons?
  4. What is the best way to work for an autistic person?
  5. Working with an autistic person- What are the major challenges?
  6. How do you cope with an autistic family member?
  7. How should autistic people be treated in social places?
  8. What limitations do autistic people have in modern society?
  9. Is the current society considerate of autistic people?
  10. How does modern technology benefit autistic people?

If you pick a research topic on autism from this category, take the time to research it extensively to write a brilliant paper or essay.

Thought-Provoking Autism Debate Topics

Perhaps, you want to write a paper or essay that can form the basis of a debate about autism. In that case, consider one of these topics.

  1. How celebrities and pseudo-scientists have caused serious damage by claiming that autism is related to vaccinations
  2. How to educate society about autism
  3. How to change the future of autistic children with early interventions
  4. How school officials can help autistic children
  5. How to help autistic kids whose parents are uncooperative or in denial
  6. How autistic children can benefit from occupational therapy
  7. Discuss the DSM-V regarding autism
  8. How educational opportunities for autistic children compare to those of normal children
  9. How health officials can convince the public that shots don’t cause autism
  10. Should children that have not been vaccinated because parents believe that vaccines cause autism be taken to school?
  11. How to support siblings of an individual with autism
  12. How to transition a person with autism to community-based services from school-based services.
  13. How to fight for autistic people’s rights
  14. How to deal with the psychological struggles of autistic children
  15. How music affects autistic patients
  16. Social organizations for autistic people
  17. Why diagnosing autism early is important
  18. Can autism be prevented?
  19. How to interact with autistic people
  20. What employment options do autistic people have?
  21. How to manage autism in adults
  22. A brief history of autism
  23. How living with an autistic person can affect your life
  24. How genetics affect autism
  25. Can the environment cause autism?
  26. Can medical treatment cause autism?
  27. A review of autism in different countries
  28. A review of autism in different cultures
  29. What signs of autism should parents watch out for?
  30. How to develop a treatment plan for autism

This category has controversial topics autism researchers can explore too. Nevertheless, whether you choose parenting or autism biology topics for research paper, take the time to research extensively before you start writing. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need thesis writing help.

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